A lot of work is put into preparing the ground for this event to take place. Here are the faces that help make it all happen.
In alphabetical order:
Andres Almiray / Άντρες Αλμιρέι (@aalmiray)
Andres is a Java/Groovy developer and Java Champion with more than 14 years of experience in software design and development. He has been involved in web and desktop application development since the early days of Java. He has also been teacher of computer science courses in the most prestigious education institute in Mexico. His current interests include Groovy and Swing. He is a true believer of open source and has participated in popular projects like Groovy, Griffon, JMatter and DbUnit, as well as starting his own projects (Json-lib, EZMorph, GraphicsBuilder, JideBuilder). Founding member and current project lead of the Griffon framework. He likes to spend time with his beloved wife, Ixchel, when not hacking around. Specialties: Java, Groovy, Swing, JavaScript, PHP, Test-Driven Development (TDD), Software architecture. Andres is a co-organiser of JCrete®.
Stephen Chin / Στέφανος Τσιν (@steveonjava)
Stephen Chin is VP of Developer Relations at Neo4j and author of The Definitive Guide to Modern Client Development, Raspberry Pi with Java, Pro JavaFX Platform, and the DevOps Tools for Java Developers title from O’Reilly. He has keynoted numerous conferences around the world including AI DevSummit, Devoxx, DevNexus, JNation, JavaOne, Joker, swampUP, and Open Source India. Stephen is an avid motorcyclist who has done evangelism tours in Europe, Japan, and Brazil, interviewing hackers in their natural habitat. When he is not traveling, he enjoys teaching kids how to do AI, embedded, and robot programming together with his daughters.
Marc R. Hoffmann / Μάρκος Χόφμαν (@marcandsweep)
Marc has over 10 years of Java programming experience and is the leading expert in bytecode coverage analysis. Since 2008, he has been working on Java-based railway control systems at mtrail in Berne, Switzerland. He is the creator of EclEmma project which won the “Best Open Source Eclipse-Based Developer Tool“ – Community Award in 2008 and also the lead contributor to the JaCoCo Code Coverage engine. He is a Java champion since 2014. Marc has been a big supporter of the JCrete unconference since the beginning and especially our beer contributor among many other things.
Heinz Kabutz / Χαΐνζ (Χαράλαμπος) Κάμπουτζ (@heinzkabutz)
Heinz is the mastermind behind The Java Specialists’ Newsletter. He has a PhD in Computer Science. Heinz has programmed significant portions of several large Java applications and has taught Java to thousands of professional programmers. He is a regular speaker at all the major Java conferences. Heinz was chosen as a Java Champion by Sun Microsystems, the inventors of Java, for his work in advancing Java. He is the author of a number of courses, including Java Specialist Master, Design Patterns and Concurrency Specialist. Heinz is the chief disorganizer for JCrete®, which among other things involves sampling food from lots of tavernas to find good venues for our meals.
Ioannis (John) Kostaras / Ιωάννης Κωστάρας (@jkost7)
John has graduated from Informatics Department of University of Athens. He also holds a Master of Science in Telecommunications from the Electronics Systems Engineering department of Essex University and a Master of Arts in Management Studies from Essex University. Ioannis is a software architect and has been a Java developer since JDK 1.0 was released. One of the many applications he has written for the industry, developed in NetBeans RCP, was awarded the 2012 Duke’s Choice Community Choice Award. He was also member of the NetBeans Dream Team. Among other things, he is responsible for the excursions at the hottest Java conference on earth, JCrete® and he is also organising JCrete4Kids.
Melissa MCKAY / Μελίσσα Μακκέυ (@melissajmckay)
Melissa’s background and experience as a software engineer spans a slew of technologies and tools used in the development and operation of enterprise products and services. She is a mom, software engineer, Java geek, huge fan of UNconferences, and is always on the lookout for ways to grow and learn.
As a consequence, she couldn’t have been missing from the disorganisers team of the best Java unconference on earth.
Kirk Pepperdine / Kερκ Πέππερνταϊν (@kcpeppe)
A Java Champion since September 2005, Kirk is a primary contributor to javaperformancetuning.com, which is widely regarded as the premier site for Java performance tuning information, and is the coauthor of Ant Developer’s Handbook . He has been heavily involved in application performance since the beginning of his programming career and has tuned applications in a variety of languages: Cray Assembler, C, Smalltalk, and, since 1996, Java technology. He has also worked on building middleware for distributed applications.
Kirk began his career in biochemical engineering and has researched high-performance liquid chromatography for Ottawa University and the National Research Council of Canada. He worked with Cray supercomputers at the Canadian Department of Defense, as a consultant at Florida Power & Light, and has been a senior consultant with GemStone Systems. He is currently an independent consultant and an editor at TheServerSide.com. Kirk does “Kirk” in JCrete®!
IX-CHEL RUIZ / Ιξελ Ρούιζ (@ixchelruiz)
Ix-chel Ruiz has developed software application & tools since 2000. Her research interests include Java, dynamic languages, client-side technologies and testing. She is a Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker Ambassador, hackergarten
Giorgos Saslis / Γιώργος Σασλής (@gsaslis)
Yorgos is an OSS enthusiast and software craftsman, with a background in concurrency and distributed systems, in telecoms. He cares about improving the problem-solving process – not just solving the problem – so he helps teams improve their software delivery cycles. He believes deeply in the power of community, and so helps run AgileCrete.org and JCrete.org, along with other meet-ups on the (paradise!) island of Crete. His day job finds him automating stuff at Red Hat, the world’s open source leader.
Dmytro Vyazelenko / Δημήτρης Βιαζελένκο (@DVyazelenko)
Dmitry is a Java developer interested in concurrency, performance and lock-free programming. You may read his blog Ideas Not for Sale. He is responsible for applying the Open Space methodology in JCrete®, among many other things.